• West Covina, CA - San Bernardino, CA
  • 951-520-5020
  • cynthia@omegapolygraph.com



The American Polygraph Association (APA)

www.polygraph.org is the preeminent polygraph association and is recognized internationally as the main governing body for Polygraph Examiners world wide. Membership in the APA is not a requirement however the APA sets the standards for examiners; in training, in continuing education and in professionalism by requiring adherence to a code of ethics and a set of established standards of practice.


The National Polygraph Association

The National Polygraph Association's primary goal is to foster and perpetuate an accurate, reliable, and scientific means for the protection of the truthful and innocent individual.We strive to improve the capabilities of our membership by promoting education, research, advanced training, and by shared experiences.


The American Association of Police Polygraphists (AAPP) 

www.policepolygraph.org is the association of law enforcement polygraphists that are governed by specialized standards, objectives, and principals of practice and existing law(s) as well as those of the APA. 


The California Association of Polygraph Examiners (CAPE)
www.californiapolygraph.com is the Association in California that provides a minimum of 32 continuing education hours a year to its members.


California Coalition on Sexual Offending (CCOSO)

www.ccosoie.org  Inland Empire Chapter was formed to bring together the resources of law enforcement, criminal justice, mental health, probation, parole, polygraph and other community services.

The APA and The California Association of Polygraph Examiners endorses examiners as “Certified” that meet their requirements and maintain continuing education hours. The APA and CAPE also certify examiners for Post Conviction Sex Offender Testing as Clinical Polygraph Examiners. An additional 40 hour course, certified by the APA at an approved Polygraph School, is required for certification in this specialty.